
Impact is our primary goal, not attendance. By encouraging people in the Harrisburg area and beyond to follow Jesus, we will demonstrate our love for both God and humanity.

Our Mission

Love God: Christianity is simply about establishing a relationship between people and God. If what the Bible says is true about God’s incredible efforts and sacrifices to reach humanity, then our ultimate love is from God, and our truest purpose is to love Him in return.
Love People: His love for us transforms us. It encourages us to love others in a way that strives to imitate His love for us. Being courteous is key. It’s about looking for a community that is genuinely authentic and where we want other people to adore God (see above). No one is perfect, but as we work to love one another, the church will have a positive influence on the world that is worth participating in.
In our capacity as ENCH members, we concur with the organization’s statement of faith.